Tuesday, March 25, 2008

You Are

(Original Title: “And You”)
25 March 2008

And you are
 my light and fire
And you are
 my only desire
And you are
 My Lord, there's no one else
But you

And you are
 my friend and savior
And you are
 the only one I favor
And you'll see
 my heart is for no one else
But you

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


(Original Title: “You Are”)
5 March 2008

You are... a beautiful name
in my heart. I'm forever grate-ful
for you. I can only love you

I know. We are meant to be
Together. We'll walk through this life
with each other. I just know.

I find the comfort in your words
and your arms just speak love to me
like no other. I can only love you more

And more, you'll see through this life
I will continue to give all I
have, you just let me show
you just let me show my love.